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Pour Over - Chemex​



For 2 cups of coffee

20gr - Fresh Medium to Coarse ground coffee
1 - Pour Over Coffee Maker (Chemex or similar)
1 - Burr Coffee Grinder (electric or manual)
2 - 5oz Cups
500 ml - Purified water

Coffee to Water Ratio
5 gr Coffee to 125ml water for  1/2 cup

10 gr Coffee to 250ml water for  1 cup

15 gr Coffee to 375ml  water for 1-1/2 cups  

20 gr Coffee to 500ml  water for 2 cups 


Choose a good high-quality specialty coffee bean that is fresh, Maestro Artesanal has the best option in specialty coffee.
The closer to the roasting date the better. Ideally coffee that has been roasted more than 3 weeks should not be used, as the coffee begins to lose its aroma. The freshness of the coffee is of paramount importance.

If it is ground too coarse then the water will pass through it too quickly, resulting in a low extraction coffee with an acidic flavor, unsweet, salty, and without an aftertaste. On the contrary, if it is ground too fine it will be too compact and the water will hardly pass, resulting in an over-extracted, bitter, dry, astringent, empty coffee. A properly ground espresso coffee should be neither acidic nor bitter, it must be sweet, transparent, clean, with complex acidity and a long aftertaste.

Step by Step:  40/60 or 4-6 Method   

The first 2 pours (40%) define the acidity and sweetness. The remaining number of pours (60%) will decide the strength of the coffee. 

Step One: Heat 500 ml of purified water to 90.5 Celsius or 195 Fahrenheit in glass or ceramic pot.

Step Two: Place 1 filter in drip coffee maker. Pour 200 ml  hot water over filter to clean filter and heat drip coffee maker. Discard this water.

Step Three: Pour freshly ground coffee in the filters.

Step Four: Pour 60 ml of hot water to saturate all the coffee. (To make an even more homogeneous pre-infusion, you can move around and slow with a spoon just after you have poured the first 60 grams of water.)

Step Five: Let pre-infuse for 45 seconds so that the gases escape.

Step Six: Pour 60 ml of  water and let it brew for a total of 45 seconds. 

Step Seven: Once you've waited, you'll see damp grounds in the filter and you'll have space to pour more hot water. 
Add 50 ml to the grounds, Refer to your timer and let the water keep filtering through the grounds for around 45 secons total.

Step Eight: Once you've waited, you will see more damp grounds in the filter, add 50 ml again refer to your timer and let the water keep filtering through the grounds for 45 seconds.

Step Nine: Once you've waited, you will see more damp grounds in the filter, add 50 ml again refer to your timer and let the water keep filtering through the grounds for 45 seconds.

Step Ten: Once you've waited, you will see more damp grounds in the filter, add 30 ml again refer to your timer and let the water keep filtering through the grounds for 45 seconds.

Chemex (pronounced Kem-ex) is a variety of filter coffee makers that have no secrets: made up of just a glass jug and a wooden necklace, it is synthetic and functional.

Did You Know? If you look on the side of the Chemex brewer, you'll see a small circular knob. This "button" shows the brewer halfway point. If you keep filling until you reach the bottom of the wooden collar, the brewer is full.

With the popularity of specialty coffee and artisanal preparations, Chemex has gained a new life. With no moving parts, no electricity, or plastic, it purpose is to return to the original way of making coffee, revealing the alchemy process.



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